Through the bespoke training created by Ali Neal, a children’s occupational therapist and advanced practitioner in sensory integration, you will not only enhance your knowledge and confidence, but you will also learn practical skills that you can apply in your classroom and school. In short you will become equipped to be a sensory champion for your school.
Schools are increasingly asked to manage ever more complex learners often with little in the way of outside support. The number of pupils with SEN is on the rise with over 1.6 million pupils in England alone having SEN of which a quarter have an EHCP. The most common type of need in pupils with EHCP’s is for autistic pupils and up to around 90% of these have some difficulties with sensory processing.
These learners often face significant barriers to learning, including difficulty concentrating, heightened anxiety, and challenges with social interactions which can lead to lower academic performance and hinder their overall school experience. School Sensory Solutions is designed to empower educators with the knowledge and tools to help them meet the physical and sensory needs of their learners, make environments inclusive, enhance pupil engagement and improve outcomes.
Ali has 30 years of experience as an OT and is passionate about developing your expertise to help you meet the ever-increasing needs of young people who have SEND or are neurodiverse.
Her courses are carefully planned to lead you step by step to build your skills and help you implement practical solutions that work!
Online support is readily available via the Facebook group which gives you ongoing interaction with a large group of like-minded peers plus Ali is regularly on hand to answer any questions.
Ali holds monthly live Q and A’s in the Facebook group which gives you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and by not only asking questions but from also listening to the questions asked by others, something that is generally lacking in online courses.
Ali has worked with and provided training for many schools and organisations including:
The Autism Show at London, Manchester and Birmingham over 2022, 2023 and 2024
The OT Show in 2022 and 2023
Autism Learns online conferences
The National Autistic Society
Autism West Midlands
NAS Swansea
SENsible SENCo
NCORE TreeHouse School
Warwickshire Specialist Resource Provisions
Local MATs across the West Midlands
Connective Parenting NVR for parents and professionals
Nottinghamshire Youth Justice
Developing Local Provision school groups across the West Midlands
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School Sensory Solutions is an online training, resource and solutions service that will empower your school to support pupils who have SEND or are neurodivergent.